/* $Id: image_nodes.js,v 2008/03/06 14:22:41 snpower Exp $ */ // Image Node Auto-Format with Auto Image Grouping. // Original version by Steve McKenzie. // Altered by Stella Power for jQuery version. if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { $(document).ready(function lightbox2_image_nodes() { var settings = Drupal.settings.lightbox2; // Don't do it on the image assist popup selection screen. var img_assist = document.getElementById("img_assist_thumbs"); if (!img_assist) { // Select the enabled image types. var classes = settings.trigger_image_classes; $("a["+classes+"]").each(function(i) { if ((!settings.disable_for_gallery_lists && !settings.disable_for_acidfree_gallery_lists) || (!$(this).parents(".galleries").length && !$(this).parents(".acidfree-folder").length && !$(this).parents(".acidfree-list").length) || ($(this).parents(".galleries").length && !settings.disable_for_gallery_lists) || (($(this).parents(".acidfree-folder").length || $(this).parents(".acidfree-list").length) && !settings.disable_for_acidfree_gallery_lists)) { var child = $(this).children(); // Ensure the child has a class attribute we can work with. if ($(child).attr("class").length) { // Set the alt text. var alt = $(child).attr("alt"); if (!alt) { alt = ""; } // Set the image node link text. var link_text = settings.node_link_text; var link_target = ""; if (settings.node_link_target != 0) { link_target = 'target="'+ settings.node_link_target +'"'; } // Set the rel attribute. var rel = "lightbox"; if (settings.group_images) { rel = "lightbox[" + $(child).attr("class") + "]"; } // Set the basic href attribute - need to ensure there's no language // string (e.g. /en) prepended to the URL. var href = $(child).attr("src"); var orig_href = $(this).attr("href"); var pattern = new RegExp(settings.file_path); if (orig_href.match(pattern)) { var lang_pattern = new RegExp(settings.base_path + "\\w\\w\\/"); orig_href = orig_href.replace(lang_pattern, settings.base_path); } // Handle flickr images. if ($(child).attr("class").match("flickr-photo-img") || $(child).attr("class").match("flickr-photoset-img")) { href = $(child).attr("src").replace("_s", "").replace("_t", "").replace("_m", "").replace("_b", ""); if (settings.group_images) { rel = "lightbox[flickr]"; if ($(child).parents("div.block-flickr").attr("class")) { var id = $(child).parents("div.block-flickr").attr("id"); rel = "lightbox["+ id +"]"; } } } // Handle "image-img_assist_custom" images. else if ($(child).attr("class").match("image-img_assist_custom")) { // Image assist uses "+" signs for spaces which doesn't work for // normal links. orig_href = orig_href.replace(/\+/, " "); href = orig_href; } // Handle "inline" images. else if ($(child).attr("class").match("inline")) { href = orig_href; } // Set the href attribute. else if (settings.image_node_sizes != '()') { href = $(child).attr("src").replace(new RegExp(settings.image_node_sizes), ((settings.display_image_size == "")?settings.display_image_size:"."+ settings.display_image_size)).replace(/(image\/view\/\d+)(\/\w*)/, ((settings.display_image_size == "")?"$1/_original":"$1/"+ settings.display_image_size)); if (settings.group_images) { rel = "lightbox[node_images]"; if ($(child).parents("div.block-image").attr("class")) { var id = $(child).parents("div.block-image").attr("id"); rel = "lightbox["+ id +"]"; } } } // Modify the image url. $(this).attr({rel: rel, title: alt + "
"+ link_text + "", href: href }); } } }); } }); }